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Recent Movie Reviews

67 Movie Reviews

That was so good. She's not very good at basketball though D:

i like the happy ending


No need for Netflix when we have this on Newgrounds

Recent Game Reviews

233 Game Reviews

Super nicee. And fun. Great job. Nice sharing feature

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I loved it. The movement was really really fun! Super polished and good level design too!


I liked it until my browser crashed with "this webpage was reloaded because it was using significant memory".

And there was no save. It was fun though.

Recent Audio Reviews

11 Audio Reviews

I feel like I could climb trees to this music. Boop boop bop bop boop <3

Nice song

This song still makes me smile every time I listen to it. Its MWAH *chefs kiss

Recent Art Reviews

98 Art Reviews

I like it!

TheGarbager619 responds:

Thank you, boss!

I always loved Tin TIn


Flash game maker

Lindsay @Starblinky

Age 37, Male

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