
66 Movie Reviews

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that was pretty good. and funny.

Keep it up!!!

Cant wait for your guyses next game to be announced soon. Another game already? wooo. You guys rock. BTW bring Castle Crashers to PSN for the love of god. Is your next game gona take like 4 years to make too?


I really liked this. It was good


yaaaa so true. I have no idea what the kids are saying either and same with this shit, I think he says "why did you do that? I didnt say I was ready yet"

SOCOM has a lot of kids like this, fucking annoying little buggers. But whats more annoying is all the idiots who basically spam swear words "FUCKN FAG FAG FAG FUCK FUCK FUCK FAG FAG FUCK YOU FAG FAG FAG FAG"

I prefer little kids then listen to that!


it reminds me of Bevis and Butthead. This was weird though, didnt watch the whole thing.. it was too fucked up.

n e ways, my gf works at walmart so I know all about the assholes there and crazy shoppers

lol k

I love the disclaimer at the beginning. Its like "please don't steal my movie, btw I stole the sprites"

btw the ending was crazy. Maybe next time have the opening scenes just 1 life, where its the really old school gameplay then after 1 death or after hes about to die then the crazy fight scene happens


I think the joke of making crappy movies and slapping them on the front page is funnier then the actual movies.


I think this is the 2nd 10/10 I have ever given on Newgrounds. I watched this movie all the way through, and WOW it was a VERY good movie/musical!! The drawings and animation were very charming and worked really well, it had all the charm as the older SouthPark episodes. The music was also very catchy and clever lyrics.

Also a suggestion: For Santas sleigh, maybe it should say 7.3 instead of 7.4, because right before they show the sleigh, the singer rhymes with 3.

lol and chapter 8 really cracked me up. "this is just like a bugs life!!" lol.. oh man..

Anyways, I REALLY hope you win this competition on newgrounds, you really deserve it. Every inch of effort you put into this movie was well worth it, and I really cant wait till next year to watch the next one.

:) :) :)
Merry Xmas

You will get a 10

I LOVED this.. amazing work my friend, but I think it's a lot better as a 'preview' or 'trailer' then an actual episode, in my opinion it focused too much on the mom. But it was still a very touching movie and I still think it was well-written and top-notch animation and great-suiting voice actors too!

Very good movie, I REALLY want to see another one!! You could have the next series here, like XOMBIE, Ninjai, Gunchest etc.


is this like a clock crew movie or something? how was this in the top 100 of all time.. seriously..

the song was nice.. but there was so little effort put into this movie.. and I didnt really find it funny either.. if thats what it was suppose to be.... funny.. ??

Flash game maker

Lindsay @Starblinky

Age 37, Male

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