
231 Game Reviews

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very nice

a very nice game, obviously a lot of blood sweat and tears went into this game. So good job and you should be very proud of this game.

Okay so I did only play for 2 minutes which is about as long as I play a game for on newgrounds unless it really grabs me. I got stuck in the wall twice though in my time playing. Which is maybe a glitch that you knew was in there just couldnt find the fix in time for release? If I ever find a glitch in a game I'm making, I will NOT release it until I fix it, thats a general rule I have.. I wish more people had this rule.

The graphics were good, although a little too reminiscent of Zelda: Link to the past. They were still very well done, just needs its own style. And that goes for the rest of the game I think, a lot of it seems to be inspired too much by Zelda, perhaps you needed a bit more inspiration from other games or books/movies. It's fine if you make a game that is similar to another game, but realize that your game will be compared to that game if you chose to make it so similar. Having your game being compared to Zelda (one of the best games ever) is pretty rough, and probably why your score is so low (I voted 5 btw).

Also I noticed (perhaps this is just my slow computer) level design was a little weird, when you go to the guy in front of the forest and he says you need a shield, there is like a 30 second strip of grass you have to walk along just to get to him, then if you dont have the shield its another 30 seconds walking back (it was night time in the game which for some reason makes me walk even slower). Thats when I quit, I couldn't bear to do that.

UknownXL responds:

Im not sure why it does that either. Some times it would be normal and others it would run slow. Maybe to many things were opened in your browser. And as for the glitch I thought it was gone. I had a programmer fix the collision for me and I no longer experienced any problems.

really good

I like your difference games, they are really fun.

I would like to suggest however, for the 'play with hints' part of the game. It shows me a hint after like 30 seconds or something from starting each puzzle. Why!?! It should only show me a hint if I haven't found any differences for a while. Having a hint system is good, but its kind of broken right now.

Still this was really fun. My fav difference game ever would be the one where the girl is dreaming in her classroom.

DifferenceGames responds:

Thanks, that is a really good suggestion. The hints show more frequent then 30 seconds but many are so subtle you are not aware of them. I've watched some people play where I noticed the hints and they shortly clicked on that spot but it wasn't until the 3rd or 4th one that they say 'hey! that one moved!'. ;)

I definitely like the idea of a timer that resets every time you find one on your own.



AMAZING!!! I loved this a lot and luis' art style perfectly suits this game. The first one lagged a lot on my crapp computer so I could barely play it, this one doesnt lag at all! Except for once you die or beat a level it lags quite a bit which is really annoying.

Also why is the level editor controlled with the arrow keys and not the mouse?? Its weird..

Also a suggestion is maybe after you beat a level you 'unlock' that idol in the achievements section or every 5 levels you unlock the idol. Great job though, I only played for like 10 levels, there were like 5 different types of blocks, there is more isnt there?? There should be. But yeah great game!


yeah ok

I got that infinity glitch too. You just drop a nade then the grenade explosion gets multiplied infinity as well as whatever object you hit it with.

I think this may be because I am using Flash Player 9, and havent upgraded to 10, so that could be the problem, if it is, make sure people upgrade before they play it.

Good idea for a game tho!!

Lochie responds:

This game is for flash player 10, that was the problem.

ok well

it was a good idea, but I thought the ball on medium went too slow. Seriously I had to wait about 20 seconds sometimes just for the ball to get across the screen. Also I think it needs a bit more to it, the powerups are a good start, but they dont change up the gameplay enough.

Ab9003 responds:

Try hard mode, the difficulties are designed so every type of player can get a challenge.


I liked this A LOT. I actually came back to play it twice.

Although medium difficulty was very hard, I tried it twice and the second time got to level 21. Its a very well put together game I must say, but I refuse to play it on easy, I think for a game with no continues and takes probably 3 hours to beat and progresses VERY slowly, it should be a lot easier to get to the higher levels. ehhh, but what do I know, I'll probably be coming back for more tomorrow.


there's a lot wrong with this game, it still needs a large amount of polish. As it stands now the game is unfinished.

- The instructions in brain training were shown for like 5 seconds and you have no time to read it.
- The dice game, how am I suppose to know what is the opposite side of that number? I have not that good of knowledge of the dice layout..
- The number game, the smaller (in size) numbers wouldn't light up after I got it right, so am I not suppose to count those numbers?
- The matching game was too easy, you should make it more then 4 choices as it progresses.
- Overall good graphics and sounds. Needs a lot of work on presentation.

So the game is actually quite good if you add a bit more depth and work on the things I mentioned, it would be a 5/5!

I completely agree with TheRandomDot

I completely agree with TheRandomDot, although I didnt read his ENTIRE review, but he did save me a lot of typing. There's no strategy to the game, its a good concept and can be expanded on, but as of now it doesnt work as a full game. All I did was get up to the character and use attack button 3 times in a row until he died, it wasnt that much fun.

But I see where you were going with this, the rock scissor paper concept. If the general concept is expanded on it could be a great game. Keep it up :)


I gave a 4/10 because there were some good illusions I havent seen before. But seriously, there wasnt much effort into this, I thought the captions at the bottom of the screen were pretty bad, like if you read them it would sometimes reveal the illusion which would ruin the illusion in the first place.

It was a nice collection though, I'll give a higher score next time if you credit the sites you got these from, because I'd like to see some more.

okay so..

the game needs a bit of work. I find it too hard to actually find the spot you're suppose to click on, sometimes because its just not obvious enough, I mean, you have to click on the ledge (after the tree part), by the lava to walk over to that specific spot, there's no way I would know to do that without randomly clicking everywhere! Yeah its obvious I have to progress to the right, but why do I have to click in such a small and specific spot.
That's another thing I didn't like about this game, when it came to the vine part, I had to click on the very top of the vine in a very small and precise spot. I think you should make the clickable spots more obvious to where exactly you have to click.
I saved the little kid and went up on the ledge with my family and the lava rose, I clicked absolutely everywhere all over the screen and I couldnt find anything to click, so I just quit.
Its a good game and has really good graphics and some pretty neat ideas, the game just needs a bit more polish.

Flash game maker

Lindsay @Starblinky

Age 37, Male

Joined on 9/24/04

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