Andy the android.
Really nice music, awesome gameplay, this game is perfection. I got to level 14 and gave up. May come back to it one day.
Andy the android.
Really nice music, awesome gameplay, this game is perfection. I got to level 14 and gave up. May come back to it one day.
its pretty good
i enjoyed this a lot, there are a few small issues here and there but nothing too big. Like how the walls would eventually disappear, you should be invincible from that wall as soon as it starts to disappear, I think you already have it like this to an extent, but I often found myself losing health for touching a 'disappearing wall'.
I really loved the flow of the game though, the artwork and everything was really great. Maybe have more of a progression through the game, like the further you get, the harder the walls become. I like how you have stars to collect, but I want more of an objective to keep me playing! Have some achievements or something for the sequel k?
I really enjoyed this game, I really hope you make a sequel one day :)
the graphics in the most part were horrible, the characters werent bad they were pretty good, but the actuall levels looked like they were drawn up pretty quickly. Buuut I think maybe that overly simple look helps this game. It was really really fun! All the levels were fun and largely varied from the last level.
Overall, great job, it was very fun, I played through the whole thing.
it was a ok game
it was a ok game, and I enjoyed the music.. but why cant I kill the baddies? Maybe if i jumped on their heads it should kill them.. and wtf man, I wanted to just listen to JUST the music (which you are clearly advertising) but there was no sound effect mute button.. so I had to continue listening to crappy sound effects that were ruining the nice music..
Then I press main menu to see if there was a soundFX mute button, but I then the screen went gray and I had to close the window. :( :( Probably because I only have FlashPlayer 9.. hehe, but the game needs some fixes here and there.. maybe give her a magic wand that shoots stars at baddies.. I duno, she needs some sort of attack
Please upgrade to Flash 10. There is a major difference between 9 and 10, something you'll notice with every new Flash game that comes out. Noticeably the speed has been greatly improved.
Lily cannot kill the enemies because the idea is to Escape the Fear (not Shoot the Fear with a gun or something). Plus if you killed them all then you'd have no danger if you feel back down to a previous platform, besides the rising fear.
It is true we are advertising the song through the game. The song is the reason the game exists (advertising is the only way of getting to play a great game for free, and besides the song is great anyway so we don't mind). If you want to just hear the music you can pre-order it from or click the link at the bottom of the game.
omg so good!!!
this was soo good!! it didnt lag at all on my computer and it was so fun to play!
but somehow my magic wand thing was upgraded.. then all my upgrades went away and i dont know why... maybe you should tell people how to upgrade it and stuff..
also I think your platform gun should shoot downward at your feet, so you dont shoot it too high.. that would be way better.. thats it though..
great game!
really fun!
really great game!! Some of the audio could have been better though.. and its not too complex like that guy below me says.. I dont know how its complex even in the slightest...
very fun game, although the 2nd level, the yeti one crashed my flash player, it overloaded the script and asked me if i wanted to abort the script. I am guessing there was a loop that went into infinity. But it also could be my Macintosh..I am using firefox and the latest version of OSX. It happened right when I clicked the play button for the yeti level.
Hope that helps.
That's very odd, one of the machines we built it on is more or less that spec and we've not seen that problem. Anyway, rest assured we will look into it and try and work out what's going on.
Thanks for your review and glad you liked it otherwise.
i played for almost 3 minutes... but its so freaking easy it just is so damn boring!!! you should add some things... its just way to easy.. i did 3 minutes without trouble at all
My best ever is 12 seconds and all my testers said it was too hard... T_T
*Edit* Make that 13.6 s
really cool, soooo crazy when you get them all right..
yeah man you really screwed up on some of the floors. The helicopter one and the dragon one too (ying yang), they were both not mirrored correctly but it doesnt count as a point or anything..
also yeaah, you over-used the cloud thing too.
other then that.. its really good, but mistakes like these CANT be overlooked in a game that is based on 'mistakes'
Nice game! I think it took too long to level up your weapons though.. You cant expect people to use the same gun for the whole game.. it gets boring.. so if you start with the handgun, it should be almost as strong as the next weapon you unlock.
Anyyyways. You used actionscript 3 didnt you? Because my god this didnt lag one bit on my computer... I think you either used AS3.. or you have some kind of voodoo up on your moofoo. heheheh.
Lol, I actually only used AS2 here because I am still learning my AS3's. However the fact that so many people say there is no lag is very interesting, because it lagged terribly on my computer. Thanks though!
final score: 18,402
good game man. could use some improvement, its really hard to get more then 3 letter words, i mean sometimes youll get a 4 letter word, but maybe next time have a bonus where you can switch spots of any 1 letter or something, cuz I was usually only 1 letter away from big words.. or maybe i just dumb and cant find them, i duno
keep practicing. it isn't unusual for me to get 5+ letter words. also at the higher levels don't be afraid to use the arrow tiles to shuffle up the board to help your position.
Flash game maker
Age 38, Male
Joined on 9/24/04