so close but yet so far
Way too many issues to be fun..
The art was great, although I am not sure what i think of mixing pixel art with vector..
But there are far too many issues, for instance if a cart gets detached, the wheels will keep moving in the last direction they were spinning. Constantly, as if they have a motor...
Another thing, the ending bit where I have to lift up all the items? This might be okay if it were easier, but seriously, I just knocked over one of my crates that I so carefully brought here, and now I cant pick it up because its behind my truck.
So i loaded everything else up and started on my way again, but I pressed space bar and the stupid crane smacked down onto my guy KILLING HIM!? I mean I figured I had already beat the level and clear of all dangers.. I guess not eh? So anyways, now my guy is dead but I can still control the car, yet the camera doesnt follow the car, it only follows the guy. So I move the car to the end and it says I win.. Yet it doesn't move to the next screen and I'm stuck looking at my dead guy...
Also for the first level, it seems impossible to get the treasure chest.. Unless you have to go back and get it? But that seems kind of odd request for the player on his first level, it would only frustrate the player.
Hope you make these fixes, great game.. Just has some bad issues. Fixing issues would give you a 9/10 or 10/10